
Air War: Too Costly in Every Way The chart depicting military-aircraft operating costs that accompanied Eric Schmidtt's May 2 Week in Review report offered a telling lesson about war costs. It showed that the 35-year-old B-52 bomber costs . . .
The Next War It seems that retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters could have had a great pitching career. I don't know if he's ever picked up a baseball, but the way he heaves rocks indicates a strong arm. Peters takes aim at a . . .
U.S. Shipbuilders: The Tide Begins To Turn There is a saying among economists that a rising tide lifts all boats. With defense spending expected to rise significantly in the years ahead, the nation's shipbuilders hope that adage also applies to their . . .
Graying Airpower Puts U.S. At Risk Every year the U.S. Air Force puts on an "Aerospace Power Demonstration" in Florida to display to the public its proficiency in wielding the weapons of modern air warfare. It's the service's premier air show. . .
Converted Submarines Could Bolster U.S. Power Projection "Power projection" can be a difficult concept to understand in the abstract. It is a nation's ability to make its military might felt beyond its borders -- as diplomacy's coercive underpinning, deterrence or . . .
Fear of Flying: America’s Aging Fleet of Military Aircraft Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting me to participate in today's discussion of aging military equipment. I will limit my remarks to military aircraft, the area where aging . . .
In the Old Dominion Resides the Heart of America’s Military Tradition It's remarkable how important Virginia remains to the nation's military security and tradition. The lynchpin of Colonial America's struggle against the British Empire, the focal point of the Civil War, and . . .
Air Force Benefits From Congressional, Pentagon Support Of Fleet Modernization Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) is perhaps the most challenging of all Air Force missions: flying low and slow at night, in bad weather and while using terrain to mask their approach, and often without the . . .
QUARTERBACK BLITZ: The proliferation of sophisticated air-defense weapons, and why the U.S. Army’s Comanche helicopter is uniquely suited to counter them. During the Autumn of 1993 U.S. Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni now the Commander in Chief of U.S. Central Command returned to the war-torn city of Mogadishu, Somalia to negotiate the release of . . .
Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post Stephen S. Rosenfeld expresses an oft-repeated criticism of military planning when he asserts that the Clinton Administration's new national-security strategy is making America "Ready For The Last War" . . .
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