
Key Decision Transforms Intelligence Collection Senior Pentagon officials have decided to equip a new satellite system with the ability to take high-resolution pictures through clouds and darkness. The satellite, called the Space-Based Radar, was . . .
Not Much Money, But Plenty of Soldiers Alix Freedman focuses mostly on one reason why poorer countries are often the source of peacekeeping troops, that they need the money ("Wealthy Counties in Effect Pay Poor Ones to Handel U.N. Missions. . .
Don’t Overlook Importance Of Alliances With Small Gulf States Some of America's most valuable military partners in the global war on terrorism are not those with large populations, GDPs or military establishments. Their value is not in their capacity to field great armies. . .
India: The Potential Ally It would be an overstatement to call India an ally of the United States, although they have flirted with that status. At least, India is not the kind of ally that we can currently rely upon to put boots on the . . .
Pentagon Plans Huge Round Of Base Closures Back when George W. Bush was running for President, he promised that if elected he would give his defense secretary "a broad mandate to challenge the status quo and envision a new architecture of . . .
Australia: The Proven Ally U.S. Deputy Secretary Rich Armitage put it best back in July, when he said "Australia punches above its weight." For decades Australia has been a proven and reliable American ally. They are the only country . . .
Turkey: Still A Valuable Ally As the baseball season roars into October, we are reminded time and again that the sweet pastime is really a study of averages. While even the most reliable players can disappoint in high-pressure . . .
Poland: A “Niche” Ally Poland is one of several new U.S. allies who are not as big or powerful as our traditional teammates, such as Britain, Germany or Turkey. With limited resources, the Poles have more of a "niche" role to play in . . .
The Future of the Defense Industry It's official: defense stocks are a boring investment. So say several Wall Street analysts who issued dour assessments of the sector last week. The most respected, Morgan Stanley's Heidi Wood, said sector . . .
Bush Doctrine Begins Fifth Year Today marks the fourth anniversary of the most important speech that George W. Bush ever gave about national defense. The irony is that he wasn't even President when he gave it. It was a campaign speech . . .
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