
US Is ‘Not As Prepared’ As We Should Be Amid Israel-Iran Conflict: Arnold Punaro (From Fox Business) Due to conflicts and tensions on multiple fronts around the world, the US military has to significantly enhance its deterrence capability. Not only that, the US has to reestablish credibility that it will actually use its deterrence measures. It is not ...
Unexpected But Welcome: US Navy’s Amphibious Warship Plan Supported Across Political Parties & Government Branches (From Marine Link) Here’s some good news for America’s sea power. While the U.S. Navy has initiated another review of its 30-year shipbuilding plan in the face of widespread dissatisfaction, one element within that plan has been praised: the decision to provide funding f ...
5 Reasons Why A Top Chinese Hacker Gang And Their Friends Could Wreak Havoc On US (From Fox News) You may never have heard of Threat Actor Storm-0558, but this top Chinese hacker gang broke into the State Department computer systems via Microsoft Exchange Online last spring and read emails for several weeks before Secretary of State Anthony Blinken ...
Low Earth Orbit Is A High-Value Domain (From RealClearDefense) Low Earth Orbit – known as LEO – is the future for communications satellites. It’s also a high-value domain for national security. And it’s getting crowded. Elon Musk’s Starlink has over 5500 satellites on orbit and just launched 23 more Friday morning ...
USN: Carrier-Based Military Diplomacy Works (From CBS Eye On The World With John Batchelor) Lexington Vice President Rebecca Grant discusses the Ford-class carriers with John Batchelor. Carrier deterrence is more important than ever as shown by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s deployment of two carriers to the Mideast in the Gaza crisis. C ...
Army Budget Invests In Lessons From Ukraine With Focus On Deterring China (From Defense Opinion) As Ukraine’s valiant fight against Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion enters its third year, the U.S. Army’s newly released fiscal 2025 budget incorporates the top lessons from combat in Ukraine and sends a powerful message as a deterrent against pos ...
Against All Odds, Army Making Solid Progress On Modernization (From RealClearDefense) Today the United States and the U.S. Army are once again positioning for a two-front war, as we did in the Spanish American war, World War Two, and during the Cold War. The U.S. is the chief outside architect of the assistance to Ukraine as it battles ...
Navy Makes Shocking Aircraft Carrier Decision While China Threat Rises (From Fox News) What a shock. According to the newly released budget, the Pentagon wants to slow down America’s aircraft carriers. Delaying aircraft carriers courts disaster at a time when their deterrence value is higher than ever. The Navy has a budget plan for new ...
Can We Accelerate Foreign Military Sales? Arm Our Allies Faster? (From Warrior Maven) In 2023, sales of American-made military equipment to US allies and partners significantly increased – to $80.9 billion – through the highly successful Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process, a 55.9% increase compared to the $51.9 billion of 2022. This d ...
U.S. High-Tech Companies On The Front Lines In New Cold War With China (From Defense Opinion) A new Cold War is upon us. Unlike the prior one between the democratic West and the Soviet Union, this time the U.S. and its allies do not have the advantage of superior technology with which to counter its adversary’s advantages. China is investing he ...
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