
JSTARS: Air Force Taking Way Too Long To Replace Aging Radar Planes (From Forbes) The Air Force needs to replace its aging fleet of radar planes, starting with the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System that is used to track and image moving ground targets.  It has a plan for replacing all the planes in the current fleet, how ...
“President” Trump, Build Us A Digital Wall Donald Trump catapulted to the top of the list of Republican presidential candidates based on his stance on illegal immigration and, in particular, his call to build a wall along the U.S. southern border and somehow make Mexico pay for it. Trump has ta ...
As China Bubble Bursts, Push To Kill U.S. Export-Import Bank Looks Crazy (From Forbes) With China's export-driven economic miracle cooling fast, the trade environment is becoming increasingly harsh for U.S. exporters.  Key trading partners are driving their currencies down and increasing export subsidies to minimize the damage of a globa ...
Global Market Selloff Could Bolster Case For U.S. Defense Shares (From Forbes) With the six-year bull market succumbing to a rising tide of negative offshore economic news, there aren't many commercial equities in which investors can hide to avoid the carnage.  But what about defense shares, the only equities whose underlying rev ...
Will The Army Be A Bill-Payer For Air Force And Navy Modernization? (From Army Magazine) For six straight years, the Obama Administration has kept Pentagon spending under control by slashing outlays for military technology.  Army modernization has been hit especially hard.  In fact, the conclusion to the Army's fiscal 2016 budget briefing ...
Five Reasons The U.S. Power Grid Is Overdue For A Cyber Catastrophe (From Forbes) Compared with other major industries, the electrical-power generation and distribution sector seems to be remarkably insulated from cyber threats.  There has never been a major power outage in the U.S. that is traceable to a cyber attack.  However, tha ...
Closing The Air Surveillance Gaps Along The U.S. Borders With all the recent discussion of illegal immigration and the need to secure this country’s borders, there has been almost no attention paid to the vulnerability of these borders to air incursions.  For decades, drug gangs, human traffickers, other cri ...
Military Cybersecurity: Evolution Is The Only Business Model That Makes Sense (From Forbes) The Host Based Security System is the defense department's most widely deployed tool for combating cyber attacks against military networks.  It has undergone multiple upgrades since its use was first mandated for use on both classified and unclassified ...
Southwest Defense Complex Is a Vital Contributor to U.S. Security The current debate on U.S. national security is focused on the declining defense budget, reductions in the size of the U.S. military and the erosion of U.S. technological preeminence. All these issues are important. Equally important, but virtually ign ...
Protecting The Homeland: A New Kind Of Warship Is Needed To Close The Gaps In Missile Defense Coverage (From Forbes) It is the current policy of the federal government not to deploy active defenses of the American homeland against a major nuclear attack.  Eventually the policy will change as politicians and policymakers come to appreciate the fragility of offensively ...
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