
New ICBMs: Necessary to Secure the American Strategic Deterrent Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that make up one part of the American nuclear deterrent remain highly relevant to security. The ICBM force provides many benefits that other strategic systems do not: they shorten the time neede ...
Administration Sends The Army To Russia’s Border, But Russian Rocket Engines To The Air Force The Obama Administration’s critics have long accused it of a penchant for sending mixed messages to friends and adversaries alike. There was the now-infamous Syrian red line, the promise that Iran would never be permitted to acquire a nuclear weapon an ...
Boeing Protest Rejected, But Problems Just Beginning For U.S. Air Force’s Next Stealthy Bomber (From Forbes) The Air Force desperately needs a new bomber, but the way it has gone about selecting a company to develop one, it could be a long time before Cold War bombers retire.  Even though the Government Accountability Office ruled February 16 that the award t ...
U.S. Needs To Protect Itself From North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions Recently, North Korea claimed to have tested a fusion weapon – very unlikely due to the low recorded seismic activity – and launched its sixth long-range rocket that placed a satellite into orbit. Congressman Mac Thornberry, Chairman, House Armed Servi ...
Size Matters: Five Reasons The Littoral Combat Ship Is Crucial To Future Naval Operations (From Forbes) The Navy's Littoral Combat Ship has attracted considerable controversy since its inception in 2001, which seems to be the fate of any military program that tries to be innovative these days.  But a review of key trends in the geopolitical and fiscal en ...
Could The Air Force’s ‘Bend The Cost Curve’ Strategy Revolutionize Defense Acquisition? Over the past seven years, the Department of Defense has tried just about every trick in the book to reduce the cost of defense goods and services and speed up the pace of the acquisition system. The book to which I am referring is Better Buying Power ...
V-22 Osprey Continues To Defy Critics And Expand Roles And Missions The V-22 Osprey was once considered a true “ugly duckling”, one of a number of platforms and systems that were too costly, performed badly and even posed a danger to their users.  Without question, designing, building and operating a platform that coul ...
Stall Warning: Five Reasons Air Force Modernization Won’t Take Off As Planned (From Forbes) The U.S. Air Force's fleet of fighters, bombers, tankers and transports is older today than ever before, thanks to chronic neglect of air power modernization since the Cold War ended.  Air Force leaders have put together a plan for "recapitalizing" mos ...
The Next Administration Could Deploy A Robust Missile Defense Of The Homeland Facing a growing threat from long-range North Korean missiles, possibly armed with nuclear warheads, and desirous of garnering strategic advantage after its withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the George W. Bush Administration decided on ...
We Have To Stop Letting The Testers Run The Asylum Dr. J. Michael Gilmore, head of the Pentagon’s Directorate of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) reminds me of a radiologist I once consulted. The eminent physician pointed out suspicious dark and light spots on various internal organs. He rec ...
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