
At Raytheon, Workforce Diversity Isn’t Just A Core Value — It’s A Strategy For Winning (From Forbes) When a company gets a perfect score 11 years in a row for providing a workplace where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees feel welcome, it's a safe bet that management designated that accomplishment as a priority.  So it is with military c ...
Nuclear Deterrence: Still Relevant Against Russia (From The National Interest) Russia poses a threat that underscores the need to enhance U.S. missile defenses and modernize the nuclear arsenal. Some opponents claim that nuclear weapons are associated with outdated Cold War thinking and are irrelevant to contemporary politics, bu ...
Four Reasons It Would Be Dangerous To Ban Russian Rocket Engines After Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, everybody in Washington agreed it was time to stop relying on Russian rocket engines for getting U.S. military satellites into orbit.  So it's no surprise that Congress is considering legislation to do just ...
Air Force Needs To Rethink Its Overall UAS Concept Of Operations For some 20 years, the U.S. Air Force has set the standard with respect to creating and operating unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Overcoming its initial reluctance to employ this novel platform, the Air Force now operates the world’s largest fleet of UA ...
Modern Command & Control Critical to Maintaining U.S. Nuclear Deterrence (From The National Interest) The American strategic triad exists to deter a nuclear attack or blackmail against the United States and its allies. If deterrence were to fail, the president would make the decision whether to launch nuclear weapons and communicate his decision throug ...
The Southwest Defense Complex: The New First Line in the Nation’s Defense Executive Summary Click here to download the full report as PDF. It is a core principle of the U.S. military that you must train as you fight. One of the enduring advantages the U.S. military possesses is the quality of its personnel based largely on t ...
Friendly Fire: Killing Russian Rocket Engines Too Soon Could Cripple U.S. Security (From Forbes) After Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine, pretty much everybody in Washington agreed that the U.S. military needed to stop using Russian rocket engines for launching its satellites.  However, because the Russian engines were available, there hasn't been ...
Why Does The Air Force Want To Destroy The Struggling U.S. Space Launch Business? The U.S. Air Force appears to have formulated the perfect plan for wrecking the already struggling domestic space launch business. Take a sector that has struggled for years with too little demand to create an efficient launch program, add new entrants ...
ICBMs: America’s Nuclear 911 Force Remains Crucial to Deterrence (From The National Interest) Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that make up part of the American nuclear deterrent remain critical to national security. ICBMs ensure an adversary’s objectives are beyond reach because they are on alert and cannot be destroye ...
Boeing At 100: What It Will Take To Survive A Second Century (From Forbes) In July, the Boeing Company will celebrate the centennial of its founding in 1916.  From modest beginnings, it has grown to become the biggest aerospace company in the world.  So many assume it will continue dominating global markets for the foreseeabl ...
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