
Bye Bye Bad Chinese Routers: House Committee Bipartisan Move Against TP-Link (From RealClearDefense) At last, Congress is poised to protect Americans from one of China’s top cyber weapons: cheap network routers. Led by U.S. Representatives Bob Latta (R-OH) and Mary Peltola (D-AK), the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Subcommittee voted 43- ...
Intrepid Salute Award Honors HII Shipbuilders At New York City Fleet Week Last night aboard the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid at Pier 86 in New York and in the company of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti, it was my honor to present this award.  The 2024 Intrepid Salute Award honors HII and all its shipbuilde ...
CHIPS And Ships: Time To Stop Gambling With U.S. Seapower (From Defense Opinion) Question: What do America’s semi-conductor manufacturers have in common with America’s naval shipyards? Answer: Both are critical to national security, and both are in danger of falling behind China. In March, President Joe Biden announced up to $8.5 b ...
Air Force AI Dogfight Means Tech Could Replace Maverick vs. China (From Fox News) An AI agent flew Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall through yank and bank combat maneuvers in an F-16.  America’s top priority right now is to make sure the US, not China, leads in AI.  Make way for more AI and drones in combat as the US Air Force gets ...
The US Needs To Counter Russia And China In Africa (From RealClearDefense) The United States must start paying more attention to Africa. China and Russia are. For the past decade, Xi Jinping has steadily improved China’s African presence through significant infrastructure projects and financial investments. China recently cel ...
Poland Needs A Lot More Abrams Tanks, Fast The US-Poland defense partnership is the key to NATO deterrence of Russian aggression.  Why?  Because Russia is rearming far faster than expected.  The new strategic reality in Europe is that it will take tanks in Poland to stop Russia. ...
Current Conflicts Demonstrate Need For More And Better Tanks In Eastern Europe (From RealClearDefense) Until recently, it was a commonly held view among Western defense experts was that the age of large-scale armored warfare ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and that the MBT, the central fighting platform of that period, was increasingly irrel ...
Lexington: April 19, 1775 On April 19, the Lexington Institute honors our namesake historical event.  On April 19, 1775, a company of 70 defiant Massachusetts militiamen met the British redcoats at Lexington and in the battle fired the “shot heard round the world.”  The Minute ...
Washington Asked Beijing To Control Tehran (From CBS Radio) Just last week, the State Department was calling their counterparts in China asking Beijing to use its influence with Iran to call off its attack on Israel. While the US had terrific intelligence and knew about the attack, which took place on Saturday, ...
Israel’s Near-Perfect Missile Success Had A Special Line Of Defense (From Fox News) Diplomacy and deterrence failed, but on Saturday the U.S. military stepped in to help protect Israel against the unprecedented attack from Iran. A near-perfect missile defense, beginning with U.S. planes and warships, brought down 170 drones, 30 cruise ...
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