Author Archives: Kris Osborn

How US-Built Abrams Tanks Could Help Taiwan Stop A Chinese Ground Attack (From Fox News) The Trump administration’s plan to sell tanks, missiles and ground-launched air defenses to Taiwan embodies what might be called a strategic paradigm shift to empower the small island’s deterrence posture against an often-threatened Chinese invasion. While much existing discussion centers [Read More...]
US Special Ops Want A-29 Super Tucanos To Battle Terrorists In Africa (From Fox News) Members of Congress would like to see a more expansive use of the A-29 Super Tucano aircraft in various global hotspots as a way to support U.S. Special Operations Forces and continue needed counterinsurgency efforts. The A-29 is turboprop light [Read More...]
New Navy Ocean Attack Plan Combines Air, Surface And Undersea Drones (From Fox News) Should an enemy submarine surface well beyond undersea or surface drone detection range and send intelligence to attack platforms — U.S. Navy platforms could be vulnerable in some instances. Fortified by targeting data from well beyond the horizon, enemy subs, [Read More...]
Navy Starts Building New Massive, 50-Ton Undersea Attack Drone (From Fox News) The Navy is planning to launch a massive, 50-ton undersea drone to expand mission scope, increase attack options, integrate large high-tech sensors, further safeguard manned combat crews and possibly fire torpedoes — all while waging war under the ocean surface. [Read More...]
Navy Plans To Shoot Nuclear Missile From New Columbia-Class Sub (From Fox News) Almost nobody knows where they are at any given time, yet nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines quietly patrol dark domains of the undersea realm in strategically vital waters around the globe, bringing the prospect of unprecedented destruction upon potential enemies — [Read More...]
Coast Guard Arms Entire Cutter Fleet With Ship-Launched Drones The Coast Guard’s vigorous push to equip its entire Cutter fleet with deck-mounted surveillance drones offers an interesting window into the service’s expanding mission scope – to include an increased focus upon great power threats and potential military attacks such [Read More...]
New Navy Carrier-Launched Drone to Fly This Year – Change Attack Strategy (From Warrior Maven) The Navy’s first-of-its-kind carrier-based drone has been performing advanced ground testing exercises in preparation for its first flight as soon as this year, a process intended to introduce new attack tactics for the service and substantially improve the “strike” reach [Read More...]
Marine Corps Fires Weapons at its New Amphibious Combat Vehicle (From Warrior Maven) The Marine Corps’ ongoing offensive and defensive live-fire exercises with its emerging Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) are intended to refine the new vehicle’s weapons systems and survivability – while aligning the modern vehicle with the service’s evolving amphibious warfare strategy. [Read More...]
Is The Air Force “Accelerating” B-21? – To Bring NextGen Stealth To War Faster (From Warrior Maven) The Air Force appears to have completed its Critical Design Review of the emerging B-21 bomber, inspiring confidence and optimism that a new-generation of stealth will be ready for war by the mid-2020s, and beyond. The apparent program progress does, [Read More...]
US Missile Defense Breakthrough: Navy Ships to Destroy Enemy ICBMs (From Warrior Maven) The Pentagon plans a “first-of-its-kind” test of an unprecedented weapons capability to intercept and destroy an enemy Intercontinental Ballistic Missile *ICBM” — from a Navy ship at sea using a Standard Missile-3 Block IIA. The concept, as articulated by Pentagon [Read More...]
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