Author Archives: Ashley Bateman

DC’s Students are Improving, But Not Fast Enough Daily Caller Public school students in the District of Columbia improved their proficiency rates by just 1.4 percentage points in math and less than one point in reading, District leaders announced yesterday. Overall, 54 percent scored at proficient levels in [Read More...]
Celebrating History We Don’t Remember New York Post From the first hot dog to the last firework bursting over the East River, this year’s Independence Day celebrations will again demonstrate our collective pride in our nation, its traditions and its history. Too bad ever fewer [Read More...]
Why the Pledge Stands as Civics Fails Detroit News This Fourth of July, sometime between the beginning of the parade and the fireworks finale, most Americans will display a collective pride in their nation’s history. All the red, white and blue, the grand flying of flags, display [Read More...]
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